The right way to move house
How do I organise moving house? 1. Declutter 2. Organise with colour coding 3. Hire movers 4. Don’t rush to pack or unpack. At some point in our lives, we all move home and there’s no doubt that it can be a complicated process. If it isn’t planned well, it can become an absolute nightmare,

How do I organise moving house?
1. Declutter
2. Organise with colour coding
3. Hire movers
4. Don’t rush to pack or unpack.
At some point in our lives, we all move home and there’s no doubt that it can be a complicated process. If it isn’t planned well, it can become an absolute nightmare, which is the last thing that we want!
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Thankfully there are lots of ways to make moving easier, starting with packing effectively.
Where do you start?
If you’ve lived in your house for a long time, the chances are that you’ve collected a huge amount of clutter, which is a huge amount to pack especially if you don’t really need it. Don’t underestimate the importance of boxes. Most people just get their hands on what they can, from the local supermarket or elsewhere, but this can be a mistake. Not all boxes are uniform or have lids, they’re certainly not all the same size and, therefore, they won’t all stack effectively which can result in your things being broken.
We recommend using boxes designed specifically for the item you’re trying to pack wherever possible. There are special boxes for everything − ones meant for clothing, crockery, flat-screen televisions and lamps. Also- use the right materials. Homeowners often place items in a large box without using bubble wrap, newsprint or packing paper. This puts your belongings at risk of being damaged.
Use this opportunity to de-clutter
A huge amount of us likes to hold onto our things, mainly because we project so much emotional sentimentality to inanimate objects – meaning we find it quite difficult to let go, even if we don’t need or want an item. Moving house provides you with a clean slate; a platform to review what you actually do and don’t need. The stuff you don’t? Have a fun day at a car boot sale or sell it online − one person’s rubbish is another person’s treasure. You may even make a nice bit of spending money to add that extra gloss to your new home.
Be organised: colour code and label everything
This can be taken as far as you’re prepared to take it. Experts will tell you that it’s a good idea to assign a colour-coded label to your boxes to indicate which room the contents are from the room, then sub-label by primary contents, and finally by whether the contents are fragile – try to keep these items separate from everything else. In the end, you’ll be grateful for the hard work put in at the start, because this will mean you’ll spend less time in your new home staring at a mountain of boxes and more time with your feet up in front of your expertly un-packed television.
Book a professional to lend you a pair of hands…and a removal van
If you can afford to, book a professional removal company to help you with the move. Sounds simple but there are so many people who opt for the option of making multiple runs in their own car, cramming every available inch. If you don’t have to do it yourself, don’t. A removal company will get the job done much quicker, free of any accidents and damage. If you don’t want to pay for a removal company, we’d suggested roping in some friends to help – that way you’ll have a lot more fun.
Only unpack what you need to on the first day
Rome wasn’t built in a day. Unpacking. But the unpacking, for instance, is more likely to take several days – weeks, even. Take a methodical approach to how you unpack. For example, tackle one room at a time, which is where the colour-coding becomes priceless, rather than trying to unpack bits and pieces as you wade through a sea of cardboard. Take a well-deserved break at the back-end of moving day. Don’t think that once all of your possessions are in your new home that you then need to start unpacking them immediately. Moving doesn’t need to be complicated and unpacking doesn’t need to be a mammoth task either. Having a clear out before you move can help you lessen the load when moving and make getting set up in your new home a lot easier.
If you’re looking to move house and want a quick sale of your property to get things moving, visit We Buy Any House today for a free offer.